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Cecchetti Conference October 5 & 6

​​Our studio participates regularly in activities sponsored by the East Coast Committee of the CCA (ECC/CCA). Such activities include the Spring and Fall Cecchetti Conferences. Quick Links Online registration Info Packet

What is the ECC? The Cecchetti Council of America (CCA) is the national organization, the ECC is the local branch and is sometimes referred to as Cecchetti East Coast. The ECC is one of the CCA's largest committees, and includes all of the CCA member schools which are located in the DC-MD-VA area plus those in Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey. Elaine Seidman and Maggie Lockhart currently hold positions on the Executive Board of the ECC.

What Is the Cecchetti Conference? Why should I go? For nearly 40 years the ECC has been organizing twice-yearly weekend-long seminar classes for teachers and workshop classes for students. The student workshops are exceptional opportunities for Cecchetti students because they introduce them to

  • larger dance spaces,

  • professional faculty of national and international caliber,

  • students from other local Cecchetti studios,

  • the pleasure of having live accompanists for their dancing

Where is it held? The Conferences are held at Dance Department Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center University of Maryland/College Park 8270 Alumni Dr College Park, MD 20742 When is it held and how long is it? The full conference for students and teachers is held on in the Spring and Fall over both Saturday and Sunday. Approximate Schedule 8:45am Drop off 9:00am- 12:15pm Classes 12:15-1:00pm Lunch Break 1:00-4:15pm Classes 4:30pm Pick Up What classes are offered?

For students, no more than two of the classes are standard ballet technique sessions. The other two may be jazz or modern or lyrical or folk or choreography or anatomy or yoga or classical variations...or, or, or; offerings vary by conference. Fall classes end at 4:15. Pick-up by 4:30 is appreciated. In the spring, closing ceremonies extend the day to approximately 4:45. Parents wishing to attend the spring closing ceremonies should plan on arriving around 4:25. For this final gathering of the season, students are seated on the floor in class groupings and parents stand on the sides or in the rear of the Dance Theater. How do we register? Click here to register. Registration is online, through RegOnline event services. The best way to know when workshop registration opens and to stay informed about any updates is to Like/Follow the Cecchetti East Coast page on Facebook. You may find other basic information on our main website, What level do I sign up for? While the ballet technique classes are non-syllabus in nature, workshop class levels are defined by CCA exam criteria. If a student is new to the Method and perhaps has not yet taken any exams, his/her teacher will tell you which level is most appropriate. Here are the general guidelines: • A-level is for students who are close to passing Grade 1 CCA or who have just passed Grade 1. • B-level is for those who have at least full knowledge of Grade 2 CCA through those who are strong in Grade 3 (still working on it or who have just passed it). • C-level is for those who have at least full knowledge of Grade 4 through those who are strong in Grade 5 (still working on it or who have just passed it). • D-level registrants should be working strongly in Intermediate (CCA Grade 6) level material and above.

Anyone age 18 and over who is no longer in High School registers as a Teacher. Teacher registrants may attend and/or observe class levels of their choosing.

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(410) 799-1333

7380 Coca Cola Dr.,
Hanover, MD 21076

© 2016 by Turning Pointe Dance Academy

Photos: Jeri Tidwell & Enoch Chan

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