Our Studio Vibe

We offer comprehensive programs for recreational, pre-professional and post-professional dancers, teachers and adults. Our highly experienced faculty are committed to guiding each student towards their full potential while fostering a love of dance.
Bullying, gossiping, and associated negative behavior is not tolerated under any circumstance and may result in dancers/ parents being excused from the studio. Any negative behavior should be brought to the attention of TPDA faculty immediately. A meeting with TPDA Directors may be called if a parent or student fails to maintain a positive attitude while on the premises.
There are TV screens in the lobby for parents to observe classes. Parents may not open studio doors during class or enter the studios unless invited. This is disruptive to class and could negatively affect the teacher’s authority in the classroom. Parents with a concern or question should leave a message at the front desk or email the studio at info@turningpointedanceacademy.org and not interrupt teachers in between classes.
Please connect with us if you have questions or concerns about your dancer.
Thanks for dancing with us!