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Should I get my young dancer if they are crying?

Should I come get my dancer if they are crying?

This is such a great question!

It is developmentally appropriate for a child to cry the first few days of classes, working through a challenging skill, or struggling with a new concept. We are learning new and exciting things every week. When new things are difficult, big emotions can take over. If your child is upset, the teacher will assess the situation and may hold their hand, pick them up (with their permission), or have them sit down by the wall for their safety. They will continuously be invited back to join the fun. If the teacher sees your child is ill or uncontrollably upset, the teacher will bring them out to you. If you open the classroom door, peek in, or enter the classroom, you will not only escalate the situation, but you will increase the distraction for the other children in the class. Thank you for your cooperation. (source: DiscoverDance)



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(410) 799-1333

7380 Coca Cola Dr.,
Hanover, MD 21076

© 2016 by Turning Pointe Dance Academy

Photos: Jeri Tidwell & Enoch Chan

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